Group Five Photosports

Updated: 2024-04-25

Visitor Help

Group Five Photosports prides itself on customer and subscriber services. If the answer to your question is not found in this page, or the help page on the specific website you visited, please contact us using the form on this page and we'll reply as soon as possible.

Credit or Debit Card Charges

Payments on our subscription and ecommerce websites will display on your credit or debit card statement as our photography studio name Group Five Photosports, our video production name Group Five Media or our third-party payment processor CCBill-Group Five Photosports.

If you have questions about a charge on your account please complete the form below and we'll replay as soon as possible.

Cancelling Subscriptions

We hate to see you leave, but if you wish to cancel the rebilling feature on one of our websites and have your subscription expire at the end of the current term, please use the link to "Help" or "Subscriber Control Panel" on that particular site.

For privacy and security reasons we are not able to cancel subscriptions remotely. Each website is self-contained with its own secure subscription database and payment system.

Additional Help

If the answer to your question is not found above please email us using the form on this page and we'll reply as soon as possible.