Group Five Photosports

Updated: 2024-04-25

Website Security Information

The security software, or a moderator, on one of our websites has sent you to this page as part of our policy to keep trolls, criminals and childish fools away.

The most common reasons a user is redirected here are:

  • The MaxMind security software installed on the website detected an email address, Username, VPN service, proxy service or IP address that has in the recent past been associated with criminal activity, payment fraud or copyright infringement.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, notice you attempting to register on the website with a fake, childish, pornographic, celebrity or offensive name.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, noticed you creating or updating your Username to one that is pornographic, celebrity related or offensive in nature.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, found you to be creating multiple website accounts (fake or otherwise).

  • You clicked SPAM on the registration email message or an update email message. We participate in an "Anti-SPAM" program with the major email providers to insure our messages make it to the Inbox. As part of that program when you clicked SPAM they notified us so that your email, and related account, are permanently removed from our systems to prevent the sending of further emails you may dishonestly mark as SPAM.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, found you to be sharing your Username and password with persons that did not pay for access to the website.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, found you to be violating our Copyrights.

  • The security software, or a website moderator, found you to be a common jerk that believes rules, laws and policies don't apply because your mommy at the top of the stairs claims your are special.

  • The website you wish to access features male or female models under age 18 and you feel that entitles you to talk about your little weenie, or ask them to provide you with personal contact information, or that they produce some sort of content that may be illegal.

Please understand that our company started in the website business in 2001. We know from those years of experience, and hundreds of thousands of subscribers, that no good reason exists for us to make an exception for the tiny 0.060024009603841535% of visitors that feel deep in his or her soul they are entitled and special.

If you disagree with any of our policies please click or tap your way over to some other website or APP. This clearly is not the place for you.

If you don't fit any of the items listed above, or you have any other questions, please send a message using the form below.